Sunday, November 28, 2010


I haven't blogged in so long..actually have I ever really blogged? I've decided that it would be a nice way to keep some kind of a journal-(don't worry, I'll spare you the gory details ;) ) This week has been wonderful. I'm so grateful for my MANY blessings. In the spirit of the Thanksgiving season I'll share some of the things I'm thankful for...

My beautiful family. What would I ever do without them? We're definitely a close-knit group. Actually, sometimes a little too close :) It's true what they say about the importance of your family. Wonderful people enter and leave your life, but your family will always be there for you. I want to thank my family for putting up with me. They know me- they've seen me happy, sad, and everything in between and they still love me! Mailee, who didn't even know I was blogging just said, "Alyssa, I love you- even when you have your bad days."

My testimony of my Savior, His atoning sacrifice, and of the restored gospel upon the earth. I am amazed to think that Heavenly Father knows each of us by name and has tailored our lives in such a way that will produce the most spiritual growth.

A living prophet on the earth, President Monson as well as the quorum of the twelve aposotles. I know if we follow their counsel we will become closer to our Heavenly Father and find protection from the storms of live.

Amazing friends. I totally lucked out in this department. I have always had friends that have encouraged me to be a better person. They have played a huge part in shaping me into the person I am today. When I hear of other's not-so-great high school years, I wish they could have had friends like mine. I feel privileged to have gone to school with the people I did. Our grade had a good group of kids who looked out for each other. I miss the good ol' days of going to Sara's house early in the morning. We'd do each other's hair (usually poofed to the ceiling) , her mom would make us breakfast (yum!) , and we'd carpool into school (which was usually a tender mercy that we arrived in one piece). Ah! I miss those days.

A gorgeous temple so close! We live only 10 minutes from the temple! Even its view from my window at home renders peace and comfort.

Rick. He can always make me smile. :) I'm happier when I'm with him. He has such a love for learning and a passion for life that is infectious! I love that about him. He makes me feel loved grateful to be alive.

A free country... Yeah so far the constitution is still intact (albeit hanging by a thread). Today it's still a free country and for that I am thankful. :) I'm also grateful for those serving in the military.

A warm home. Electricity, indoor plumbing, heat, all that I take for granted, but am so grateful for.

Health- My health, and the health of those I love.

Fuzzy socks :)

Ice cream



The Christmas Season-a time when many turn to Christ and remember Him. A time when childhood memories are relived and people are a little kinder to each other.

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